Provashi Online Portal

This is the contact point for non-resident Bangladeshi people who are living in many countries all over the world. If you are living overseas please register your details here, that would help your friend, relative or family members to source you in the net. You could even make new friends from all over the world.

You can refine your search by selecting country from the dropdown list.

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Register your details

Submit your details to Bangladesh Whitepages portal and make it available for other net users. This is the gate way to build network with your friend and relatives.

*First Name:
* Last Name:
* Address:
* City:
* Post code:
* Country:
Terms and Conditions

Bangladesh Whitepages is a private website. If you submit your details, your information will be stored in our database. Your information will not be disclosed to any other person, however users can retrieve your information from Bangladesh Whitepages website. It can take 48 hours to update information in our system. No false or suspected information will be registered. If you are not agree with the terms and conditions, please do not register. By submitting this form means you are agreed with the above terms and conditions.

We will record your IP Address for security reason. Your IP Address is - Please do not provide false or incorrect information.