Local Time in country

Compare your local time with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) by adding or subtracting hours from the list below. You can calculate your local country time if you know the GMT.

Refine the country list, start typing the country name or GMT in the search box, it will refine the list as per your input.

Country Name Search:
Country Name GMT
Afghanistan + 4.5 H
Albania + 1.0 H
Algeria + 1.0 H
American Samoa - 11.0 H
Andorra + 1.0 H
Angola + 1.0 H
Antarctica - 2.0 H
Antigua and Barbuda - 4.0 H
Argentina - 3.0 H
Armenia + 4.0 H
Aruba - 4.0 H
Ascension + 0.0 H
Australia North + 9.5 H
Australia South + 10.0 H
Australia West + 8.0 H
Australia East + 10.0 H
Austria + 1.0 H
Azerbaijan + 3.0 H
Bahamas - 5.0 H
Bahrain + 3.0 H
Bangladesh + 6.0 H
Barbados - 4.0 H
Belarus + 2.0 H
Belgium + 1.0 H
Belize - 6.0 H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
