Acne is one of the major problems of most of the women of the world and it is one of the most embarrassing problems as well and women always try to look for some ways by which they can cure the acne problem.
AcneAcne if not cured at the starting level can be really troublesome for you and it should be necessary for you to cure it at the starting level and avoid the later problems that leave drastic results on your skin.
Acne can be treated at home but it demands special care from your side and every woman will surely give this care because it is the matter of their skin.
Honey has got some really fantastic anti-bacterial properties so it is best to keep your skin away from germs, for applying honey on your skin always go for some facial mask in which mix honey with some natural ingredients and apply it twice a week.
- Make a habit to wash your face with anti-acne soap for twice a day and usually sulfur based soaps proved to best for the skin with acne and they are also easily available in the market.
- Your hairs also contains some oils and other extracts which can affect you skin so if you have long hairs then try to keep them away from your face especially the areas which is affected by acne.
- Citrus lime juice and rose water are two best natural things which can help in curing acne and for the best results mix equal parts lemon juice and rose water and apply directly on your skin, may be you get some irritation initially but then by the time it will get normal. The results can be really fantastic if you apply it almost 3 times a week.
- Aloe Vera is another natural product which has proved it to be the best against the acne problems. For using it on your skin cut the full leaf from the aloe vera plant and then cut the slit down the middle and allow the yellow jelly type of material to drain outside, apply this liquid directly on your skin and repeat this procedure every day to get the best results.
- Vitamin A is best for acne problems and carrot is the natural product that is full with Vitamin A so you should eat as much carrots as you can in your daily routine if you have got acne problems and even don’t have such problem, eat carrots for the better eye sight.
- Don’t try to pimp or squeeze the blackheads because they can leave drastic stains on your face thus leaving your darker than before.
- Zinc is the best anti bacterial agent so you should also take zinc rich foods in order to stay away from all such acne problems and make your skin fresh and young for long time.
These were some of the very effective methods by which you can cure the acne problems and leave your skin healthy, fresh and clear so a little effort can make you look good and it would be better to take some time out of your routine for such procedures. |
Posted By: tajuddin3/9/2010 Total views: 6114 |
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