How to prevent sweating and treatment for sweating.

What is sweating

Sweating is when liquid comes to the surface of your skin via sweat glands. You see this happening a lot in hot, stressful situations, or with anxious, nervous people.

Sweat is commonly found under the arms, on the feet, and on the palms of the hands. Almost everyone sweats as a normal reaction to stress such as heat or exercise. This condition is called hyperhidrosis and occurs in one out of twenty people worldwide.

Remedies for Sweating:

  • Drink one cup of tomato juice everyday for 1 week. The following week, Drink 1 cup of the juice, every other day. Then drink when needed.
  • Eat foods that contain a lot of zinc, as this has been shown to curtail sweat odors. Zinc rich foods can consist of whole grains, nuts, legumes and turkey.
  • A smaller amount of daily salt intake and eat more calcium-rich foods such as milk, American cheese and yogurt.
  • Wear natural fabrics, like cotton. Man made fabrics do not allow your skin to breathe and make the sweat stay on your skin without being able to evaporate.
  • Spray deodorant or talc after shower.
  • Soak cotton wool pads in baking soda and powder the underarms.
  • Slice a potato and wipe it under each clean and dry underarm a few times. Wait for it to dry and then apply deodorant.
  • Apply some lemon juice on underarms after you get out of the shower to prevent the body odor.
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of honey (preferably organic) with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach 3 times each day.

Don't forget to drink lot of water as you loose water from your body. This will prevent you from dehydration.




Posted By: tajuddinSaturday, July 28, 2012 Total views: 4436

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